Our church has a Ladies fellowship group that meets once per month. I have found this to be such a blessing and encouragement to my Christian walk and have grown so much in the discussion of Godly topics and sharing of experiences. We just finished reading through and discussing the book Calm My Anxious Heart: a Woman's guide to finding contentment by Linda Dillow.
It was through the reading of this book that I first thought of my blog name! And also more importantly it was through reading this book that I began to realize my desperate need to strive for contentment and how I may go about that.
The following is an acrostic poem that I wrote as a summary of the book and I intend to cover one letter per week in my series on contentment. So join me here next Tuesday with a cup of coffee/tea and an open heart. May the Lord Bless you and keep you until then!
Contentment is…
Considering the cup/portion that God has given you
Offering a humble heart before God
Not allowing greed to consume your heart
Thanking God for the joys and the trials
Erasing negative thoughts and words
Never Complaining
Taking time to pray when your mind would rather worry
Making God’s purposes your purposes
Ever focussing on Eternity
Noticing the blessings God has given you
Trusting in God’s providence and sovereignty
Oh this book sounds like something I would enjoy! I can't wait for next Tuesday to read what you are going to share! Thank you!! =)
I LOVED that book so much , and learn from it many great things.... I was bless to have read it before being married and being of mother, help me greatly in my role!!!!
I was going to ask you to post that poem on your blog. But I checked and you already did. Thank you, Niki! I, too, was blessed by meeting with the ladies today. God bless you/us on our journeys to contentment.
Brenda N.
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