Monday, January 10, 2011

Contented Mama is Back!

Today I am feeling much better than I did 6 weeks ago. That is because today, I am 12 weeks pregnant and therefore almost at the end of the 1st trimester! Yes, in case you haven't heard, we are expecting our second baby! He/she is due to arrive sometime around July 25, 2011.

This has brought so much joy! We are very excited and happy to have another little one on the way. Of course we're a little nervous and sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed by the idea, too. I remember those first days with a newborn baby very well. And trying to imagine them with a 17 1/2 month old there in the picture makes me a little dizzy! But we are trying to trust the Lord to get us through all trials of life - the joys and the sorrows.

And he does take us through life one day at a time. The last couple of months have been just exhausting. I've been very tired all the time and find it difficult to complete the basic things each day (which is why I've had to give up internet/blogging time). I've been feeling sick a lot too. Especially because of Baby Food...ewwww. There is sometime about liquefied vegetables and meat that just makes my stomach turn! And food in general has been overall less appetizing and less desirable.

But somehow, the day comes to an end and a new day is given. And the next thing you know a new season of life has come with new joys and new sorrows....

And I am learning that times like this are perfect opportunities to prayerfully sit and watch God carry me through yet again.

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. 
It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." 
Lamentation 3:21-23


Jacinda Vandenberg said...

Congratulations! How exciting! And so fun to have them so close together! Our second is due in 11 weeks and our oldest will be 19 months at that time. My older brother and I were 18 months apart and I have so many good memories of growing up together. We played in the sandbox all the time :-) There's six of us and we're all fairly close in age except for my surprise baby brother- he's four months younger than our daughter! Babies are so fun!

Unknown said...

congrats! what wonderful news to share :) you can do it!! mine are 21 months apart and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Abigail said...

Yay! The thought of two under two can be overwhelming, (Landon was 20 months when Layla was born), but very wonderful too. I loved having my first two close in age!
I can sympathize with the not feeling well, but I hope you are feeling much better soon and not still sick at almost 30 weeks pregnant like I am!
The Lord does indeed give us so much grace!! I hope that you are able to find time to get some rest!

Mrs. Stam said...

all our 3 are 18 months apart and yes it is works but also lots of fun! And not having the chance to sleep trough the night in between them makes the transition of not sleeping at all easier LOL!!!!


Elizabeth said...

You will do great. There is a special Grace God gives to Moms with babies that close together. My babies are 22 months apart and 26 months apart. Some memories are a blur, but just take it day by day and enjoy...and rest ;)