Friday, January 14, 2011

Pray For Sudan

Let's not forget to be praying for the situation in Sudan this week.

They are undergoing a referendum this week to determine whether the South of Sudan will become an independent nation from the North. (Official results will not be known until Mid-February.)
Of course there are a lot of things that make this difficult:
  1. The North is mostly Muslim and the South is a mix of Christian and Animism. Religious tensions galore.
  2. There is oil in the South, but the North owns the pipelines. Money tensions galore.
  3. If the two areas separate, borders will have to be decided. Possibility of Guerrilla warfare.
  4. The North doesn't really think that the South will be able to operate without them. This leaves the threat of more war in this country. Something it doesn't need.
But more than just the political tensions, let's remember the Christians who are in North Sudan. The North, being mostly Muslim has put into practice Sharia law, which equals harsh persecution for Christians and especially for new Christian converts. The separation of the South may cause the Muslims to put this into practice even more.

Please Pray:
(Note: These prayer requests have been copied from
  1. For their physical protection and deliverance
  2. That God would give them the right words and that they would fearlessly make Christ known
  3. That they will see God's grace as sufficient and God's power perfected in their weakness
  4. That they would love Christ's appearing all the more
  5. That they will rejoice in sharing the sufferings of Jesus so that they will rejoice even more when Christ is revealed
  6. That they will endure
  7. That they will choose ill-treatment and the reproach of Christ, not pleasures of sin
  8. That they will love Christ far more than life itself
  9.  That they will live the joy of the Lord before their persecutors
  10. That they will love their enemies  

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